The Worry Quotient
This is not a measure of mental illness. Neither is it a researched, stratified, item with norms and a statistical foundation. Rather, it is simply a gathering of worry items which Doc believes interfere with living life in a comfortable manner.
Any of these apply to you?
- Reluctant to be alone?
- Restless or feeling keyed up?
- Sudden loud noises startle you?
- Is the cup half empty or half full?
- Social situations cause discomfort?
- Worry too much, even about little things?
- Catastrophizing is a major thought pattern?
- Truly believe no good deed goes unpunished?
- Circling thoughts in the mind cause sleep difficulties?
- Avoidance behavior causes social or behavioral problems?
- Feel the need to purchase and wear the ‘correct’ clothing?
- Concerned about what people think of you, even unknown people?
There is no score sheet. Give yourself a ‘most often’ YES or ‘most often’ NO answer. (No one has 100% NO answers.) Then decide if there is something you want to change.